The SACYHN outreach initiative is meant to bring care closer to home for families.
In early planning meetings for SACYHN, families and health regions in Southern Alberta indicated they valued existing outreach activities provided by the Alberta Children’s Hospital and that they would like to see the development of additional outreach services. It was agreed that a priority action for SACYHN would be to develop a framework for supporting outreach services. The Outreach Services Framework:
- incorporates principles to guide outreach services
- defines levels of outreach
- outlines processes for determining needs and identifying resource requirements
- clarifies roles and responsibilities
- provides a template for an Outreach Services Agreement
- establishes evaluation expectations.
Expected outcomes of outreach are:
Enhanced implementation of family-centred care practice concepts by:
- recognizing that travel is very disruptive to families
- providing care closer to home that meets needs expressed by families
- recognizing that the family is the constant in a child’s life, while the service and personnel within the health care system fluctuate.
- Improved access to consultation/treatment.
Enhanced continuity of care.
Increased professional knowledge and capacity regarding child and youth health.
Efficient use of resources to meet an identified need or gap.
While the initial focus of implementation of the
Outreach Services Framework has been on health services, SACYHN is exploring the use of the Framework for developing cross sector agreements.
Outreach Clinics
Region 1 (Lethbridge)
Region 2 (Medicine Hat)
Cystic Fibrosis
Region 3 Rural (Canmore)
Developmental Clinic
Region 3 Rural (High RIver)
Developmental Clinic
Region 4 (Red Deer)
Juvenile Amputee
First Nations (Morley)
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome