
Action Strategies

The initial action plans for SACYHN built on what parents and stakeholders said were priorities. Some of the strategies were designed to provide an immediate service delivery impact for families (e.g. extending outreach services, advancing the use of telehealth), and others related to the processes and structures necessary to the development of a network (e.g. accountability, communication, evaluation).

In general, the work of SACYHN is designed to respond to what families have said are necessary changes:

Provide services closer to home as much as possible

  • saving families from travel time, loss of work/school time, stress and cost of out of home accommodation

Use professional resources more efficiently by

Improve continuity of care by

  • ensuring access to the right level of care at the right time
  • enhancing follow up from tertiary/hospital care back to community
  • expanding multidisciplinary team across regions and sectors
  • including community based supports
  • adopting common standards of care

Build community capacity through

  • universal access to information for families, service providers, and community members
  • professional education
  • consultation

Utilize technology

  • telehealth
  • electronic records
  • information sharing